Skin Culture Peel Instructions

This skin culture peel will exfoliate your skin’s outer surface, which will flake off, and give you a new skin in its place. This new skin will be much more radiant and smoother than the skin you have now. Some skin problems that are treated by this process include sun-damage, wrinkles, discoloration and acne.

On the first day, in a bowl of lukewarm water, immerse a jar of cream. It will become a thick paste. Now use the applicator and starting from your forehead, put this cream all over your face. Be careful while applying around the eye; make sure you do not put the paste on this area. Now keep it on your face for the next one and half hours. With a moist cotton ball, remove the skin culture peel with gentle strokes. Make sure you wipe off all the cream from your face.

You will see a kind of reddish-brown mask stain on the next day which shows that dead skin cells are rising to your face’s surface layer. It is something that is expected and normal. Do the same thing that you did on day 1; i.e. apply the paste/peel on face, keep it on for the required time and then remove with cotton pads or balls.

The first phase of your skin’s peeling off will start on day 3. It will feel tight like never before and you may feel an itch or two. But do not give in to the temptation; if you scratch vigorously, it may lead to problems like infection and dark patches. Let the flakes fall off from your face naturally.

You skin may continue to itch on the next day i.e. day 4. You will also see a dead skin layer which may be quite thick! Now start applying that moisturizer cream to help with the itch. Now like day 1 and 2, apply the remaining skin culture peel cream and follow the same steps.

On day 5, you need to use the normalizer cream to help you slough off the remaining dead skin. As it sloughs off, your new skin will become visible. Now just as you used the skin culture peel cream in day 1, use the moisturizer cream on this day in the same way.

On day 6 use that moisturizing cream and do the same thing you did in Step 5. By now, the peeling process will be over. If you see that your skin is still continuing to peel, go through the same process of applying moisturizer and leaving it for the time as specified before. Lastly, wipe off the cream. If necessary repeat the process.


Next, go watch this FREE Natural Face LiftVideo that shows you how a 49 year old woman lifted her droopy eyebrows and eyelids and smoothed her forehead wrinkles in just 2 minutes a day! Here’s the link:


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