Make Money Online, Thrive in This Economy

Reaching over I turned off the radio, I couldn’t take it anymore! Everywhere I turned there was the same message! DOOM AND GLOOM! I was sick of it, we all know things are not going well. I had been pinching pennies for years with 2 kids and one full time job, and no other financial support, but for the past year or so it was so much worse, we had to get clothes from a Thrift Shop, some weeks we barely had enough food to make it though the week. Yesterday I found out that in order to help us keep our jobs at work they were cutting everyone’s hours!

This is where I found myself when I began looking for a way to make money online. I HAD TO HAVE SOME HELP.

Check out what I discovered!! I am making this work for me!!

First the Cons:

1. Inner Dialogue

Be wary, if you feel like you are looking at something shady. Go with Your GUT.

2. Sales TACTIC 101

One of the most frustrating sales tactic is the ‘Investment’ tactic, the statement that you need to make a big investment upfront. The topic of money scares most people so the newest thing is to use the term Investment. If they are looking for big upfront money…GET OUT, grab your mouse take control, get away from that site! Although it is reasonable to expect to make a small purchase if the product is good. Much like buying a do it yourself guide, the guide will show you but you have to actually get it before it will make much difference.

3. Crazy Promises

A quality product will NOT make crazy promises, like you can see a huge income right away. However, it may be possible to make SOME MONEY in a few days that is true; But, to replace your income and more in a week or two? Hmmm, alarm bells should be sounding. Don’t become a statistic.


Now that you know what to stay away from, What are the positive things you can do?

Article Marketing! This is a great place to start, with this you choose a topic and write about it to get paid? This is REAL way to get some money.


If you are like me then you will want someone to show you… I don’t want any assumptions made.

Learning, I knew that I could learn but I’ve VERY LITTLE TECHNICAL SKILLS, the two things I know that I can do are get on the internet and send e-mail.

GUESS WHAT I FOUND… that’s all I needed, I don’t have to have my own website or a vast amount of experience.

The one thing I knew NO ONE COULD GIVE ME was the DESIRE. I had to want it! NO PROBLEM THERE! I had to make this work. I was determined to make life better for my kids and I.

LET ME CLARIFY it does take work, but it is SO DOABLE!

DESIRE. LOOK INSIDE…DESIRE THIS IS ALL UP TO YOU, you have to want it no one can do that for you. EVERYTHING ELSE CAN BE LEARNED. Now let me clarify it does take work, but it is SO DOABLE! If you are like me then you have questions, What makes this bring money in? Where is the proof? I’m so glad you asked, take a quick minute and come with me I’ll show you. No Experience, or Website Needed http://www.FOURDAYMONEYMAKER.INFO

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