Famous fake images in politics

Nowadays, Adobe Photoshop is considered to be one of the most popular softwares which helps users edit graphics effectively. Before the introduction of Photoshop, image doctoring was widely used. In addition to the purpose of entertainment, doctoring techniques had a great effect on the field of politics. Below is the list of the most fake images related to politics.


Surprisingly, the photo which captured an Iranian missile test was revealed to be under Photoshop. A fourth missile was added to cover one that might have grounded or failed during the launch. The image appeared on the front pages of famed newspapers including the Los Angeles Times, the Financial Times and the Chicago Tribune.


Provided by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and released by Agence France-Presse consisted of four missiles.



The real image provided by Iran showed three launched missiles while one still stayed on the ground


Recently, Al-Ahram newspaper has been criticized for showing Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in lead role at Middle East peace talks


The image of Sarah Palin was photoshopped wearing a bikini and holding a big bazooka. It was released in 2008 shortly after the Governor of Alaska Sarah claimed to join Sen. John McCain as the first vice-presidential nominee of the Republican Party. It was reported that that image quickly spread on many websites and soon became an Internet sensation of that time.


The fake image of Sarah Palin shocked a lot of people at that time


Benito Mussolini, a former Italian prime minister, wanted to be a hero sitting on a horse with a sword pointed to the heaven. Therefore, the horsey helper was removed from the image.


From the photo taken during Barack Obama’s campaign to become an Illinois senator, an unknown Photoshop hoaxer put a cigarette into Obama’s mouth. The photo was uploaded on the Internet in early 2008.


Obama announced to give up smoking while running for the White House


George W. Bush’s campaign late in the 2004 was photoshopped to make the number of attendants appear more crowded.


In the following photo, you will see Senator John Kerry along with actress Jane Fonda appeared together at an antiwar rally. In fact, the photo of Kerry was spotted by Ken Light in June 1971 when he attended an antiwar rally in the role of a Vietnam war veteran. Whereas, the image of Fonda was snapped by photographer Owen Franken at Miami antiwar rally in August 1972.


Senator John Kerry along with actress Jane Fonda in a photoshopped picture


North Korea showed an image of their “Dear Leader” Kim Jong-il in 2008 to claim that his health was in good condition. Nevertheless, this image was suspected to be a doctoring photo because there was a line running along the stand. That seemed to be inconsistent with shadows cast by the leader’s legs.


Kim Jong-il was leader of the Democratic People\’s Republic of North Korea


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I am an internet marketer and freelance photographer. I maintain various sites and blogs with a large audience. My hobby is collecting photographs of celebrities and writing comments on outstanding events in the field of entertainment.

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